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Monday, July 27

W.O.T.D Druther

defn; one's preference in a matter

sigh! Facebook is down. So i'm to do this. :'P been AGES since i last updated this. tihi.
Resto life hev been real hectic, with employees running away, problems w immigration, haih macam2.. with the slump in economic; resulting much slower flow of custos here. Dwn..

Bt one random thing is, a lot of cats come here to eat :'D all of them are cute! hihi we gave them names too!

Here's Emdee (MD) short for Mamadeedee :'D he's our frequent diner-cat

hihi dpt jg pic w his face! Here is Emdee, the dominant male cat here at the resto :')

Now, this is Stoo. short for stoopid (unfortunately).

notice the red collar, yes, she was a house-cat.. lost, without a loving owner to turn to. But now, jeng jeng jeng, she has us! Now Stoo is a resto-cat! :'D eating whiskas every 20mins. -_-" n all these fotos giving d impression that she is a lazy cat.... hihi

there are others, like BC (black cat), Socky, Socks, and Hoyyo (one-tyme cat). I hevn got d chance to snap fotos of em.. so til then.

Ok, apart from these resto cats, why not i show u other cats that i see almost everyday! :'D

Introducing~ Pika (short for Nurul Syafikaruddin)

__________ NO PICTURES YET_____________

Pika has been with us for 8 years now. we got her since she was a kitten. her mom, Roti, was my sister's cat. which she had when she was living in college dorm. Roti is named after her fave food, which is roti. :'P she likes to curi one sock bundle and sleep while hugging it. Pika doesn hev that weird gen in her. hihi and i cant remember why la we gave the name Nurul Syafikaruddin to her. hihi bt doesn seem to mind :'D

and the newest addition to the family, Roofy Myvi. how we got him was a random story! eek! so ok, i was on my way bak home frm work. at tol kajang, i noticed a white Myvi w fluorescent headlights ( i tot that it was a poyo-looking car :'P) n i didn give much thought bout it, and let him pass me. at the traffic lights i got a chance to catch up w him. and thats when i saw poo lil Roofy up on his roof. :'( he was mewing frantically! god! i was SO shocked la.. the i flashed and flashed, giving signals for him to stop at the side of the road. no surprise, the driver was a bit scared of my acts.. he slowed dwn his car and pulled over in front of a shoplot where there was a few ppl. ( takut i wanted to whack him kot :'P) the i rolled dwn my window n shouted, "ada kucen atas tu!" pointing at the back of the car. he was totally blur la, n replied "HA??" then i shouted louder n the ppl ard us followed my finger point. and was dumb-founded when they saw what i saw. poor kitty, imagine the lil kitty's agony of hanging on the roof of a car while it was speeding at at least 60km/h! thank god lil Roofy didn fall dwn. the driver of d white myvi didn want that kitten and wanted to throw him to the roadside. eeek! god forbid im gonna let that happen :'O so i took d poor kitten home. Home to my disapproving mother.. :'P hihi after much pleading and deal making, i got to keep lil Roofy. now, my family members are falling in love with him crazy antics of jumping and playing ard w himself. LOL. i shall record a vid and get it on here if i cud. hihi

(pika playing w roofy)

Thursday, June 11


Clouds drift away
when they see you
Rain wouldn't dare
to fall near you here
Miracles happen
when you're around
Somehow the grass is much greener
Rivers flow faster and cleaner
Being with you
no matter where
sunlight breaks through
and suddenly there's

A bluer sky
whenever you're around
You always bring
a bluer sky
a brighter day

Thunder is silent before you
Roses bloom more to adore you too
Miracles happen
when you're around
The sunset is deeper and longer
The scent of the jasmine is stronger
Stray dogs don't bite
Birds start to sing
Lightening daren't strike
You suddenly bring

A bluer sky
whenever you're around

my little soul will leave a footprint
my little words are going to stings
hevn u heard? d pain n joy they bring?

Thursday, April 23

W.O.T.D Cantankerous

defn - bad tempered, argumentative, unco-coperative.

No Where But Here.

everybody wants to have a happy live..
everyone wants to go home and be asked hows ur day?

evrybody wants to be loved

to be wanted, needed..

to be useful.. to know that your opinion matters

wants someone to hear their problem

doesn matter how miniscule or redundant

i long for affection

affection i can show the world

i long for taking random pictures

some may feel the random ones are useless

bt they do mean something..

im tired of hiding

im tired of waiting

waiting for the uncertain

bt the other choice in my left hand holds no promises as well

so i aint goin nowhere..

go home.

Sunday, April 19

here, another post

feeling sentimental....... and kinda gloom

now, listening to a song, sad sexy song.. Painted on My Heart - The Cult

I thought youd be out of my mind
And Id finally found a way to learn to live without you
I thought it was just a matter of time
Till I had a hundred reasons not to think about you

But its just not so
And after all this time, I still cant let go

Ive still got your face
Painted on my heart
Scrawled upon my soul
Etched upon my memory, baby

Ive got your kiss
Still burning on my lips
The touch of my fingertips
This love so deep inside of me, baby

Ive tried everything that I can
To get my heart to forget you
But it just cant seem to

I guess its just no use
In every part of me
Is still a part of you

And Ive still got your face
Painted on my heart
Scrawled upon my soul
Etched upon my memory, baby

Ive got your kiss
Still burning on my lips
The touch of her fingertips
This love so deep inside of me, baby

Ive still got your face
Painted on my heart
Painted on my heart
Painted on my heart, oh baby

Something in your eyes keeps haunting me
Im trying to escape you
And I know there aint no way to
To chase you from my mind

Ive still got your face
Painted on my heart
Scrawled upon my soul
Etched upon my memory baby

Ive got your kiss
Still burning on my lips
The touch of my fingertips
This love so deep inside of me, baby

Tuesday, April 7

W.O.T.D Lexicon

defn; the vocabulary of a language or of an individual

So i was jus playing ard with Hanif at the resto. and we decided to make short stories. ok, this is how it was made, one sentence frm each person. and this is how it was played out to be..

Alfa And The Pig

Once upon a time, there was a trigger-happy pig could not be bothered by the fact that he is a pig. So he munched a rhino and somehow has grown a rhino horn. He felt strange but excited. And realized that he can buy an Alfa Romeo with it 8), because he knoes that the horn is expensive if sold. So he went to a shit dealer and tried to get a green 159, but he can't because it has pigskin on it. He felt kinda selfish for feeling that way. So he bought two, one for him and one for a random boar. For being a trigger-happy pig, he shot the random boar while he was driving the car. But shattered his windscreen then he spun into an accident. Fortunately, the pig died and the rest of the car is still gorgeous. The car was sent to Jais for a samak procedure.

The End.

The Second Story

It was a hot, scorching day. Ahhh a perfect day to drive aconvertible, with the wind breeze through my hair. I felt stupid about it because I have none :( Eventho its stupid, but it doesn hurt to imagine. I decided to stop imagining because there was a couple of long hair people swagging their hair. Then I thought, today is the day I'll get a wig! So I went to a costume shop to get one. After hours of search, the perfect one came into sight. It looks like Brooke Shields' hair! Down there! And it was gorgeous on my head! So I bought it. As I was happily leaving the shop, a leprechaun came. And offered me a Heineken. However I declined it since I don't accept drinks from a stranger let alone a leprechaun. So i asked the sexy leprechaun out for hot cocoa to get to knoe him better. He offered me a pot of gold but I declined and made a counter offer of a pot of wigs. He gave me his hair instead saying that you can do whateva with it because its green! After thats all over, I encountered a unicorn. It was love at first sight. So we married along with the car. And we lived happily until I accidently slaughtered it for food. Burp.

The End.


Monday, March 30

I.O.T.D to be cat's whiskers

defn; to be better than anyone else

been a while since d last post. been rather pre-occupied. heh

here a collection of snippets frm d songs dat are running in me mind..

"..i slowly go insane, i hear your voice on the line, but it doesn stop the pain.."

"..now i can rest my worries and always be sure, that i wont b alone anymore, if i'd known that you were there all the tyme, all this tyme.."

"..its getting better bby, no one can better this.."

"..she tinks i cant see the smile she's faking, and poses for pictures that arent being taken.."

"..mentioned sth bout how you were right, mustve been hard to see thru the tears she was hiding.."

"..the sound of your voice painted on my memories, even if youre not with me, im with you.."

"..please take this tyme for me to be unforgiven, i give my life to you, i lay my life on the line for you.."

"..i wish i knew which button to push, then i'd knoe how to please you.. "


Saturday, March 21

W.O.T.D Perogative

defn; A special quality that confers superiority

i like dis color ;')

dunt u jus feel like u wanna say " dis bby is mine! " hoh dats wat i tot about when i read the specs for 159. Alfa Romeo . SO gorgeous! gr! ;') dis is coming frm a girl whose passion isnt cars, bt yeah, d 159 have defnly aroused my interest. i hevn even met her other than virtually adoring her thru still pictures scattered on the net, both blurred and super clear quality. videos of her performing have shed more beauty rays on her. enhancing each written specs into life. oh boy, she is a beaut n ever so seductive. rawr rawr, if ive given a choice between her, 3series bmw, or audi A4.. the others shud jus consider goin green n buy a paper bag n cover itself, dats wat i reckon. i wont even blink to shout out 159! hihi n when i found out d person whu designed dis gorgeous bby also did VW's Golf. Auw! Padan la! ;'P she looks so sleek n yet stil classically alfa romeo. auw, i tink im in love, smitten, with sth ive only heard so much about. hihi bt ultimately, she is much more than jus a tin box, i love it cuz she caught my attention with her superbly good looks n capabilities. ;')

hihi i once read a comment dat goes like, "owning an Alfa is a portal through which all petrolheads must pass if they genuinely want to know what it is that differentiate a car from a toaster." (Clarkson J 2009) haha cool eh?
next topic.

i admit dat i am the type of girl yang easily attracted to arrogant guys. its kind of complex to explain, bt yeah, looking back to d guys dat im into, are arrogant ones. at first at least ;') it might b d whole thing, not jus d facial expression, d attitude, d way he talks, d way he walks, aha.. so yeah. dats how i like my man. ;') bt im not saying that arrogants get all my attention, hihi, bt goody two-shoes' do have a chance as well. a slimmer one dat is.. ;')

heh, oh i almost forgot why im telling u all this random info. its cuz i got to thinking, i knoe dis one guy. he is arrogant as hell. bt yet i am not at all attracted to him. in fact, i loathe him. n dunt u start sayin yang "eee benci2 jd sayang.." ew. dats all i can say. pls, i can so barf if u say sth like dat. so yeah, i myself, tot dat any arrogant turd cud hev my undivided attention, bt no, he proved my theory wrong.

Wednesday, March 18

W.O.T.D Juxtaposition

defn; the state of being close together or side by side.

u can bend ur style. for a lot of reasons, can be both right and wrong. u may not knoe which is which. maybe its d way it is justified. justification can make a whole lot of difference. it can go down in shambles, it can sky-rocket to d sky.

i hev come to realize dat i hev lowered my threshold for my happiness and satisfaction level. realizing that makes me a tad, down. hurm. not sure y.. bt yeah..

hey, stupid-ass! bencinya.. i got an account with bankwest, i hevn got any money in there since more than half a year ago.. today, i jus terasa wanna check d account statement.. n guess wat? i was charged 3bucks p/month for maintenance fee sigh.. now its negative. :'( what shud i do ah? add money to d account? so i wont b hunted down by d bank's officials? dah la now recession tyme.. surely they will try to find me one way or another (im gonna get u get u get u~ hihi) so yeah..

today's song is im only happy when it rains by Garbage

Im only happy when it rains
Im only happy when its complicated
And though I know you cant appreciate it
Im only happy when it rains
You know I love it when the news is bad
Why it feels so good to feel so sad
Im only happy when it rains
Pour your misery down
Pour your misery down on me
Pour your misery down
Pour your misery down on me
Im only happy when it rains
I feel good when things are going wrong
I only listen to the sad, sad songs
Im only happy when it rains
I only smile in the dark
My only comfort is the night gone black
I didnt accidentally tell you that
Im only happy when it rains
Youll get the message by the time Im through
When I complain about me and you
Im only happy when it rains
Pour your misery down...pour your misery down
Pour your misery down on me...pour your misery down
Pour your misery down...pour your misery down
Pour your misery down on me...pour your misery down
Pour your misery down...pour your misery down
Pour your misery down on me...pour your misery down
Pour your misery down...pourYou can keep me company
As long as you dont care
Im only happy when it rains
You want to hear about my new obsession
Im riding high upon a deep depression
Im only happy when it rains...
pour some misery down on me

miss tyme muda2 dulu hihi

Sunday, March 15

W.O.T.D Capricciosa

defn; comes from the full name of Pizza Capricciosa. a simple pizza with ingredients like tomato base, mushrooms, sliced beef/chicken ham, onions, and mozzarella. DELISH!
having tyme on ur side gives u moments to ponder on anything that crosses ur mind.. wel, i got to ponder on ...

i feel stupid for being too trusting. tah ah after a while when u look bak.. wateva memories, wateva conversations, wateva reminisces, wateva.. then ull surely realize dat uve been duped. hm.. n when u do, oh boy u will feel like an ass. i tink it feels even worse when u really believed dat fact n only to find out dat they're fiction. n d size of d lie dunt matter i tink. or maybe it does? hm.. well i tink wat im getting to is dat, a miniscule lie wud pretty much give a colossal effect, given d matter, matters :') hihi ugh, damn it hurts. y cant we open the History folder in our brains and delete that god-forsaken file cuz im sure as hell cant handle it being in the folders of my mind. or am i jus being sentimental? who can i hold liable for these faults? cuz its been so long since ive been tryin to cut diamonds with a rubber knife. it might be a better painting if we can still take out the edges and replace them with a much more suitable color. i am not even sure wat im goin on about now. bt it jus feels good to let it out.

nways, as i went out of me hse, i saw a big box full of old mags.. then i saw aussie mags.. ala.. me mom nk buang my mags frm aussie :'( dwn. bt i took one. food magazine. hehe rindu la.. when bak in perth, every week i'd buy one food magazine. more like a routine. i love reading d tips and recipes. best. hihi

hurm, today's song in my head is Scar Tissue by RHCP. njoy d weird lyrics bt fun n chill melody!

Scar tissue that I wish you saw
Sarcastic mister know it all
Close your eyes and I'll kiss you
With the birds I'll share
With the birds I'll share
This lonely view
Push me up against the wall
Young Kentucky girl in a push-up bra
Fallin all over myself
To lick your heart and taste your health
With the birds I'll share
This lonely view...
Blood loss in a bathroom stall
Southern girl with a scarlet drawl
Wave good-bye to ma and pa
Soft spoken with a broken jaw
Step outside but not to brawl
Autumn's sweet we call it fall
I'll make it to the moon if I have to crawl

Thursday, March 12

W.O.T.D Crestfallen

defn; dejected. disheartened.

my morning starts with semi-havoc-ness of co-workers. bt i cudn b bothered to ask why?who?what?when? heh i jus mind my own biz.. if it needs me to be in d equation, they'll find me, no doubt. politics. i hate politics.

and ada one pakcik ni, sigh drove a mercedes.. then complain bout pricing.. his family of 3 ate a total of Rm26.10 .. n he complained. i dunt hev tyme to layan dis type of customers. i jus smiled n said "yes, dat is d pricing, i give u d receipt k?" nooo, xnk, nk tulis on a piece of paper sendiri.. . dude, watevs. then ada la plak satu mamat ni complaint pasal ikan bakar x masak.. rite.. ikan tu super cooked kot.. then my aunt pg balek to dat table n took d fish apart.. i tgk dr counter.. bt i imagine she must've sed sth like "mana?MANA?? yg x masak? x nmpk pun~" aha~

n now d friday crowd has been diluted by the hours passed.. bo-ring. im tired, cuz yday i cudn sleep.. if i were to take a bottle of sleeping pills, it wud've only made me blink. there were 2,733 sheep in my head. very different than the night before, which was 2. i didn knoe they cud breed at top speed like dat. marvelous. hehe

so here is today's song, Runaway Train by Soul Asylum
Call you up in the middle of the night
Like a firefly without a light
You were there like a blowtorch burning
I was a key that could use a little turning
So tired that I couldn't even sleep
So many secrets I couldn't keep
I promised myself I wouldn't weep
One more promise I couldn't keep
It seems no one can help me now
I'm in too deep there's no way out
This time I have really led myself astray
Runaway train, never going back
Wrong way on a one-way track
Seems like I should be getting somewhere
Somehow I'm neither here nor there
Can you help me remember how to smile?
Make it somehow all seem worthwhile
How on earth did I get so jaded?
Life's mystery seems so faded
I can go where no one else can go
I know what no one else knows
Here I am just drowning in the rain
With a ticket for a runaway train
And everything seems cut and dried
Day and night, earth and sky
Somehow I just don't believe it
Bought a ticket for a runaway train
Like a madman laughing at the rain
A little out of touch, a little insane
It's just easier than dealing with the pain
Runaway train, tearing up the track
Runaway train, burning in my veins
I run away but it always seems the same
tyme i crawling slower than a baby snail

I.O.T.D Cat in Gloves Catches No Mice

defn; stymes u cant get wat u want by being careful and polite.

well today was fairly busy. busy than usual la at the resto.. got 2 reserved tables. one was 12pax, n d other was 6pax. bt the total bil for both tables were almost d same. damn, gila byk makan Table 10. ihi~ n today, there was dis interview they did kat kaki lima resto.. didn knoe who it was, for wat channel or wat program.. hehe too busy to notice. what did happen was, one guy whu came to d counter to pay ask for my number, n i replied "ha? number resto? ada kt receipt." saje je uat bodoh. then he asked, "nk panggil sapa bila call?" cet. pandai lak. i was too bz to tink of a false name, so i told my real name. damnit. my mistake. now he's been calling the resto. ugh! first2 he called, i picked up. "hi, Blabla ni, yang tadi.. bz ke?" (yeah cant b bothered ingat nama dia.) wth.. ugh, so i told him dat im busy. he sed he'd call bak. n so he did. everytyme d phone rings, i let one of d staff (bobby) pik it up on my behalf. hihi yup, Blabla called. ew. then jus now, as i was starting dis blog, he called again. gr. i asked bobby to tell him i went home already. malas nk layan. i hope he doesn call everyday. :'(

n hey, there's this one guy kan.. so kurang ajar. not his manners, not his dressing ke apa.. bt his eyes!! ugh! his eyes, most of d tyme lookin at my crotch. wthell man. n dis isnt d 1st tyme. today is d second day. yday pun dia ada. omg. benci. gila perv ok?? hope he wont come here again :'(

today's song is Push by Matchbox Twenty

i tink its a great song by a great singer with a sexy voice. ;') n i love d lyrics too! like can relate to real-life. not necessarily mine. hihi so here's d lyrics, njoy!

She said I don't know if I've ever been good enough
I'm a little bit rusty, and I think my head is caving in
And I don't know if I've ever been really loved
By a hand that's touched me,
well I feel like something gonna give
And I'm a little bit angry, well
This ain't over, no not here, not while I still need you around
You don't owe me, we might change
Yeah we just might feel good
I wanna push you around, well I will
I wanna push you down, well I will
I wanna take you for granted
She said I don't know why you ever would lie to me
Like I'm a little untrusting when I think that the truth is gonna hurt you
And I don't why you couldn't just stay with me
You couldn't stand to be near me
When my face don't seem to want to shine
Cause it's a little bit dirty well
Don't just stand there, say nice things to me
I've been cheated I've been wronged,
You don't know me, I can't change
I won't do anything at all
But don't bowl me over
Just wait a minute well it kinda fell apart
Things get so crazy
Don't rush this baby
So cats, if wanna get ursev some mice, gloves off i'd say. ;') Gud Luck cats!

Wednesday, March 11

Sleeping to Dream

i hev never thought about this song. bt since the concert, ive been thinkin bout it. cuz someone once dedicated this song for me. bt i didn take it seriously. so here's d lyrics to share;
I'm dreaming of sleeping next to you
I'm feeling like a lost little boy in a brand new town
I'm counting my sheep and each one that passes is another dream to ashes
and they all fall down
And as I lay me down tonight, I close my eyes, what a beautiful sight
Sleeping to dream about you
And I'm so tired of having to live without you
But I don't mind
Sleeping to dream about you and I'm so tired
I found myself in the riches
Your eyes, your lips, your hair
And you were everywhere
I woke up in the ditches
I hit the light and I thought you might be here but you were nowhere
Well, you were nowhere at home.
As I lay me back to sleep
Lord I pray that I can keep
Sleeping to dream about you
Just a little lullaby to keep myself from crying myself to sleep at night
i must admit, it is a sweet lil song when its dedicated to u

I.O.T.D like the cat that got the cream

defn; one who annoy other people by looking very pleased with themselves because of something good that they have done.

hey hey.. its a new day.. new feelings.

d most random thing i got yday was a note with d writing "Aida Suraya Selamat Pulanng KeRumah Lewat!!!" great. jus great.twas on my meal nonetheless. sigh. i reached home yday at 930ish pm. wic is like 12am to my parents mind.

my day yday was borderline sucky. y? heres y..

there was a photoshoot here at d resto. the product was F&N Condensed Milk. rite, so they wanted to use d resto as part of d photoshoot la. its for adverts in newspapers. they arrived at the resto ard 6pm. abt 15ppl in their crew, plus i was told ada artis jg, bt heck, i hardly recognize malaysian artis unless they're reaaaaahlly famous. yg cikai2 tu mmg x knal ah. aha~ so yeah was doin my own biz.. then came about 7 ala carte orders.. n we only got ONE cook. ugh i'd hate it when we deliver orders lambat, cuz it aint gud for d resto's rep. so i did wat i shud do, turun kitchen la! aha~

so i start with askin Tommi (the only cook tu) where's d ingredients located n d recipe. so yeah, i started doin Sotong Goreng Tepong. aha~ then, Nasi Goreng Padprik, Nasi Goreng USA, Mee Goreng twice. hik hik twas fun, bt tiring n i was sticky n hot wic made me a bit grumpy. ihi~ then when i see the plates, ah~ clean. meaning they must've been aight? aha~ sejuk sket hati.. huhu plus it started to rain jg.. so nways... d photoshoot crew were giving a lot of hassle. mcm2~ ugh! naseb they're not doin it for free.. we got a cheque of RM**** ahuhuh~ wic was good.

oh, dah la my last meal was at ard 2pm. n if u knoe me, dats a whole lot of no eating goin on.. my tummy was already humming to d beat of Negaraku. gr. then i ingat nk go eat swhere out of d resto, cuz 1)its freakkin hot 2)i want eat sth else. bt to my disappointment, i got two calls which ended my night abruptly n made me super upset ;'( siggghhhh~ so then, reached home with dat note. oh happy day~ -_-

all in all, i am not the cat who got the cream :'( yday.

i got a lick dis morning ;')

Tuesday, March 10

W.O.T.D Gnocchi

defn; a small dumpling made of potato or flour or semolina that is boiled or baked and is usually served with a sauce or with grated cheese. d ones dat i like ada spinach inside! yumm!!

hey-ho greetings from me..

kinda hot day.. so im guessing by sundown its gonna rain.. mm so i tink i'l do my blog today with some questions:

1) How are you feeling today?
- im feeling fine. started my morning early bcuz eventho today's tuesday, well i got news for u, Tuesdays are the new Mondays when it comes to traffic and tahap laziness to work! aha now, customers are not bad.. kira ada tyme to lepak la.. ihi

2) What have you eaten so far?
- well, in the morning, i had mee goreng udang with nescafe panas. then, i ate a few rambutan yg fairly sweet.. ada manggis, tp takut makan comot ;'P ihi~ then jus now i ate nasi lemak with daging dendeng masak merah sedap~ oh, with diet coke. yumm.

3) What are you wearing now?
- wearing? got some clothes on.. :'P aha, black shirt, faded black jeans, 3 bracelets (colorful!) , greyish blue scarf, and off white shoes.

4) When was the last time you saw a cat?
- yday! here at d resto! his name is MD n he is sangat comel mostly bcuz of his eyes! n his me-ow! ihi~ wanna knoe y his eyes comel? cuuuzzz, usually, he'll come over here frm d other side of d road. so ok, b4 crossing, his eyes will be like silau, half-closed. then when crossing tu, in d middle of d road tu, d eyes totally closed! ahah so comel! gila daring kucen tu~ we made a conclusion dat MD purposely wanna hide his eyes cuz we serve air Mata Kucing, n he doesn want his eyes to be served nex! ;')

5) What was the last good news u got?
- oh! ni agak random, bt, Marigold do delivery for Condensed Milk la! hehe one guy approached me tadi, n offered d service. hoh dat wud b so helpful to hev those heavy tins delivered here trus. hm, bt i wonder if d charge will b really high n affect d costing ;'/

6) What do you crave now?
- crave ey? hurm, if crave, i tink ice cream la.. with bananas. readily chopped (pemalas nk potong sendiri pakai sudu!). and if ada brownies on d side wud b a plus. :'D bt if want, cookies. i love em cookies. yday's sugar crash didn bring down my appetite for em. hoho.

7) Have you been outside today?
- it seems like i hev. mm wait, not sure.. er, aaah? yeap, i tink must've been outside since i am at work now. ;')

8) Do you believe in saving trees?
- yes, save trees! plant trees! well, small ones la kan.. shrubs ke.. hehe

9) Bold or Fine tip pens?
- extra fine pls~ laie best tulis..

10) Motorbikes or Scrambler?
- oooh toughie.. er, if motor cam kapcai xmo ah, nk cam ducati. n scrambler is always yes ;')

11) RnB or Orchestra?
- er, leaning twds rnb heh

12) Exercise or doing nothing?
- not only leaning, already am on the doing nothing side. aha. i am gud friends with Garfield :'D

13) 1 or 2
- er, depends.. haha wat is dis q..? if 1st, mmg ah nk 1st :'P

14) Coke or Pepsi
- Coke pls.. eh diet coke pls.. eh, last week i went to cold storage, n i saw diet coke cherry.. eee for 6bucks. i repeat, six frickin bucks. gr.

15) Heels or Flats
- i can do both, bt more twds heels. i love em heels. n i gila shoes ok? :'D

alryto~ looks like im done. bt its stil early.. sigh. hey, i wanna eat salad with feta cheese la. tiba2.
hurm. if anythin interesting come up, il post another ~ toodles


Saturday, March 7

W.O.T.D Arvo

defn; aussie slang for afternoon. Good Arvo to you dear! :')

haih, been a while since d last entry. been out of mood to type. hihi. so now. sunday arvo, d weather is hot n sticky. hey, speaking of, last wednesday was d best sweltering hot wednesday night ever! wanna knoe y? cuz mraz made it so! (plus, d hundreds of ppl there as well contributed to d heat) i went to his concert here in KL, Stadium Negara. 1st tyme here peeps~ thanx to me bro, he got me d ticket for me bday.. :'D

good seats too! ;'D

d show was so mesmrazing hihi

more mraz~n more~n more~~hey! more mraz!n more!!

i feel so blessed to be able to hear him live. best gila ok?! bt 90mins show is too short ;'( i want more. he shud come here more often sampai all the other ppl muak nk tgk dia, bt i'l always b there in the audience :'D huhu i love mraz n his works!!


Monday, March 2

W.O.T.D Euphoria

defn; feeling of vigor, well-being, or high spirits

erk, really? first tyme i heard ppl drink susu ais. eh? not fresh milk. no~ its condensed milk, diluted with warm water then add plenty of ais. eh? i tink its jus wrong. speaking of wrong, hey-ho! depeche mode's is back! n so far so good. got a new single titled Wrong. i like d tune, love the lyrics, stil digesting the video eheh~ d tune sounds so sexchy to me. and d lyrics are jus so, so, deep and edgy? n i love the fact that they tried to use the word wrong in every sentence, n stil make sense! if ur wondering bout d vid, u shud go check it out on youtube to njoy (?) it. all i can do is present d lyrics, here you go, njoy~

I was born with the wrong sign
In the wrong house
With the wrong ascendancy
I took the wrong road
That led to the wrong tendencies
I was in the wrong place at the wrong time
For the wrong reason and the wrong rhyme
On the wrong day of the wrong week
I used the wrong method with the wrong technique

There's something wrong with me
Cannot be something wrong with me
The wrong mix in the wrong genes
I reached the wrong ends by the wrong means
It was the wrong plan
In the wrong hands
With the wrong theory for the wrong man
The wrong lies, on the wrong vibes
The wrong questions with the wrong replies

I was marching to the wrong drum
With the wrong scum
Pissing out the wrong energy
Using all the wrong lines
And the wrong signs
With the wrong intensity
I was on the wrong page of the wrong book
With the wrong rendition of the wrong hook
Made the wrong move, every wrong night
With the wrong tune played till it sounded right yah

Too long

I was born with the wrong sign
In the wrong house
With the wrong ascendancy
I took the wrong road
That led to the wrong tendencies
I was in the wrong place at the wrong time
For the wrong reason and the wrong rhyme
On the wrong day of the wrong week
I used the wrong method with the wrong

n there it is.. and... greenday's coming out with a new album as well.. realising 21st century breakdown, with Know Your Enemy being their first single. i so cant wait for 20th April to come!

W.O.T.D Ostentatious

defn; Showy in an attempt to impress, pretentious bragging
Characterized by or given to pretentious or conspicuous show in an attempt to impress others: an ostentatious dresser.

hey! yday's subway was great, had tonnes of meat in it. my cuzz purposely requested so, in the effort to buff me up!! hah~ d thing is, i dunt tink eating like him wud make me, how u say, fit and buff-test! (aiman 2009) :'P u knoe y? cuz i hardly, oh wait, i dunt exercise. agegeg.. d closest thing i got to exercising in a day wud be.. hmm;

1) when i wake up, walking to the bathroom - bout 6 steps

2) shuffling down d stairs

3) exchanging effort by my right foot frm d brake pedal and accelerator.

4) roving ard the resto - can be up to 4kms *acey cey*

5) more effort forced to be made on my right foot.

6) marching towards my adobe - bout, er, 15 meters

7) shuffling up d stairs

and done. hey, with all d work done by my right foot, no wonder my left felt smaller.... ;'/ ? so yeah, i wudn b anywer near fit. i am now munching on Loacker's Napolitaner Wafer.

heavenly, jus heavenly.

Sunday, March 1

W.O.T.D Supernova

defn ; The cataclysmic explosion of a massive star. A Supernova may, for a short time, out shine an entire galaxy of a hundred billion ordinary stars. It is thought to leave behind a highly compressed neutron star.

so i started my day 9am with breakie bickies. yum! with a glass of fullmilk. after a lil of chitchat, i went to d resto n was greeted by an array of goodies. ugh! i tried to restrain myself, glancing at the clock; 10.45. i told d staff "i feel like eating, bt at d same tyme, i dunt wanna.. hurm,i tink i'l eat at ard 1oclock". after a few back and forth thru the resto kitchen, the tyme om d wall showed 11.00 sharp. argh, wthell i tot. makan je la~ :'P so i eat la, my plate had nasi putih, sprinkled with fried shallots and bumbu lengkuas, a quarter of ayam percik n a whole lot of gulai pucuk paku.. dlish! drinks; one hot nescafe and one can of soya bean. hey, i jus tot bout this, y not nex tyme i take a pic of what i eat? i bet dat wud b more interesting ey? tihi yes yes, nex tyme. its 250pm, n im freakin exhausted! ugh! lunch crowd was murder. fussy customers, customers whu try to cheat 80cents outta me. most of em cuz one serve of white rice is RM1.60, they always say they took half. yeah rite, if half's d same size as ur head! grr.. bt yeah.. tired. its 3pm now, jus got a txt dat cracked a smile on me tired face. i tink my subway is on its way! :'D yummy yummy yummy im gonna get subway in my tummy~ hihi
hey, i jus rmb'd dat i brot one green jasmine tea? jasmine green tea? not sure wats d exact name. schdapp nya..

a very small picture of the movie-poster

oh! last weeknd i saw this stupidass movie; Street Fighter - The Legend of Chun-Li. what. the. hell. such a let down. n im not even a street fighter fan la, not even chun-li's. bt i stil felt disappointed. ok, 1st things first, the story line didn hold up to the title la. twas hardly a legend, it shudve been the story of chun-li -_-" sigh. then, u knoe dat evry fighter has their own signature moves, n chun-li's supposedly helicopter kick made me lmfao on d cinema floor. kristin kreuk made it SO awkward looking. i bet it wudve faired better if she'd do a breakdance move. bt i tink it not all her fault, the way the camera captured d move was another reason la. n d scripts are so borderline corny and lame. here's one pick outta d lousy 9bucks movie;

Det. Maya Sunee: So... where do we start?
Charlie Nash: You don't want a ticket to this dance, Detective.
Det. Maya Sunee: You've never even seen me dance.

yes, i stil tink its lame. bt all in all, there's one scene la, rose up above d rest. i will surely rmb it til d nex street fighter movie la. HAHA. ok, twas d scene at the slums of thailand, d bad guys were chasing afta chun-li n accidently aimed at one lil kid. bt fear not, chun-li jolted towards d bullet la kan. bt d mother of d child, was furious dat the bad guy (balrog) tried to kill her son la kan. n apparently d mother was a durian seller... she quickly stood up straight(!) n reached for the nearest durian n freakin threw it at balrog's head. *toing* d spiky fruit bounces off balrog's shiny head AHA! twas pricelesssss~ agege MACAM2 la!

woot woot, subway's here~ ttysoon ----------------------------------------------------------

Saturday, February 28

aish~ my cute lil myvi is so overdue for service! kesian dia, kena push its way thru evryday traffic.. tsk tsk.. i terfikir2 bout getting the service done sampai termimpi2 tau! twas a bit weird, i hafta admit. i dreamt dat i went to d service centre n when i inform the receptionist, she sed dat my odometer was so off their record dat they gonna fine me RM70 for each km exceeded! n my kms were 6k more! mati! *poof* when i woke up i was still cuak frm d mimpi! thinkin, "really? wud they charge me for sending my car for service lambat?" took me bout a gud 30secs for not to care n sambung tido balek ;'D hihi

my head is now filled with childish giggles and laughter made by this one very gullible customer. his cheery self was a result of his younger baby brother dialing the mobile phone. hmmph. i hev come to realize that i am not very fond of a childs laughter. i find it rather annoying. most prolli its bcuz.. he is not related to me? ;'? not sure. bt yeah. try n put on a circus music background behind the semi-hysterical laughter. shrugs. yup, not a fan.

the total amout of tips for the month of february was RM2.15 per person. which was a huge decline frm january's pot. er, RM4+ hey, dat is huge tau.. hihi hurm, nways, i'l pencil off now, eh wait, no pencil involved in writing this piece la :'P i'l..keyboard off(?) now hiihi ttysoon!

Tuesday, February 24

W.O.T.D Parlance - manner of speaking

in life, there will be people who dunt like whu u are, or what u do, or what u wear, or even what u eat (!) lets call em haters. heh dunt mind what oozes outta their godforsaken mouth.. just ignore em til they fade away. come to tink about it, it amazes me of how ungrateful they are, poppin out those critiques when they aren nearly close to being perfect themselves. their actions are seen as comical at tymes, and instead of being gracious with what they have and given, they violate em in ways some of us cudn even hardly imagine. its like they're neither black nor white, so they linger in the grey shade where its mildly safe.

so i say, if u were to move away, do it to make way but dunt move away bcuz ur afraid.

sometymes, when tymes are hard, u pray for patience.. bt they stil make u wanna hide ur face away in cookie jars. (i knoe dat doesn sound rite, bt i so want a cookie rite now)

haters like em rather see our future fade away, so EXCEL! dunt let em bring u dwn to the ground, to where they're slumming.

ultimately, dunt lose sight of what's important with the positive side in life.

nite2 xo

Monday, February 23

a rather slow tuesday

so... today i tried drinkin healthy.. hehe healthy like plain water n lime juice without sugar. twas very, not sweet :'P mashem~ ok, why im opting d sugar is cuz i am currently applying for medical insurance bla bla frm prudential.. n its part of the procedures for me to go and do medical check up.. to confirm that i am not dying.. so yeah. i went thru all d trouble and hassle goin to uptown (d closest panel option since im workn at mutiara dsara), ajak Muthu, my cousins' driver + allrounder man, to send me there la.. so i did d whole thing in 2hrs tyme, making me masuk kerja lambat.. so nways, when i got bak d results, it raises a flag for potential diabetics cuz they found traces of somewhat high glucose in me blood sample.. sigh.. mcm2.. i didn puasa la dat day, i was eating like crazy, of cuz la high glucose.. they all x sound awal2 i shud puasa.. now, this morning, i had to wake up super early to get ready to drive to uptown n do 2 blood samples. ive been fasting since 930pm last nite, so this morning, as u cud imagine i was rather cranky, driving in the very very congested traffic frm bangi to uptown without bfast. sigh. it took me 2 freakin hours to reach frm point A to B. then, to avoid further frustration, i dbl parked right in front of d clinic. senang! hihi once i presented d prudential letter to them, the girl there said, "mana form satu lagi?" .. -_-" n i replied, "what?". the girl explained dat i need another form that was suppose to have d codes n stuv for the treatment. n i replied, "whaaaatt? agent kata satu ni je perlu". frustrated. so it took them 15mins jus to get d details right, belum give me a number pun lagi. sigh. d wait was like 50mins la give n take, bt it felt like ages as i was frequently glancing out the glass door looking at me car, takut kena langgar ke apa.. aish.. nasib la keretaku kecil. bukan 4x4 :'D so, in a nutshell, i came to work like 10mins late woohoo.. n i tot i'd b an hour late ;'D

so yeah, bak to y d story started, cuz i might b diabetic la.. aish.. come to tink about it, since ive been workn in a yummy restaurant, ive gained weight, steadily, n my fave munching dessert is pengat pisang.. which is relatively manis la kan heh. bt i dunt i can b on this diet for long la.. susah2.. i hev a rather demanding set of sweet teeth hihi

Sunday, February 22

Recent Thoughts

ive seen people caring bout others way too much til they forget to think of themselves. its no problem to care for others, but please make sure ur not winding ursev down along they way. bt hey, dunt get me wrong, i am like dat sometymes, wel, most of d tymes. i knoe it feels gud to care for others, to help them, cater for their needs, its fun to see others be better with your help. however so, please dunt forget that ur life needs to be pink too! :'D
now, envious people trying their very best to pull u down. how or why they exist, i do not knoe. what i do knoe, in each lives, there are bound to be one. here's what i tink, dunt b discouraged, no matter how hard the critiques were. no matter how horrible the consequences of their actions impact ur life. jus hold on. perseverance is not a long race, its many short races one after the other. u knoe what ur capabilities are. u knoe how much to push ursev. u knoe ur limit. u make the decisions in ur life. others jus scribble choices that u cud make on ur book of life. ultimately, u cirlce the right answer. perseverance is a strong will to have. it can overcome almost anything, sometymes even nature. so u do what u do. and i have three words t0 sum life up: It Goes On.