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Monday, March 2

W.O.T.D Ostentatious

defn; Showy in an attempt to impress, pretentious bragging
Characterized by or given to pretentious or conspicuous show in an attempt to impress others: an ostentatious dresser.

hey! yday's subway was great, had tonnes of meat in it. my cuzz purposely requested so, in the effort to buff me up!! hah~ d thing is, i dunt tink eating like him wud make me, how u say, fit and buff-test! (aiman 2009) :'P u knoe y? cuz i hardly, oh wait, i dunt exercise. agegeg.. d closest thing i got to exercising in a day wud be.. hmm;

1) when i wake up, walking to the bathroom - bout 6 steps

2) shuffling down d stairs

3) exchanging effort by my right foot frm d brake pedal and accelerator.

4) roving ard the resto - can be up to 4kms *acey cey*

5) more effort forced to be made on my right foot.

6) marching towards my adobe - bout, er, 15 meters

7) shuffling up d stairs

and done. hey, with all d work done by my right foot, no wonder my left felt smaller.... ;'/ ? so yeah, i wudn b anywer near fit. i am now munching on Loacker's Napolitaner Wafer.

heavenly, jus heavenly.

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