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Tuesday, March 10

W.O.T.D Gnocchi

defn; a small dumpling made of potato or flour or semolina that is boiled or baked and is usually served with a sauce or with grated cheese. d ones dat i like ada spinach inside! yumm!!

hey-ho greetings from me..

kinda hot day.. so im guessing by sundown its gonna rain.. mm so i tink i'l do my blog today with some questions:

1) How are you feeling today?
- im feeling fine. started my morning early bcuz eventho today's tuesday, well i got news for u, Tuesdays are the new Mondays when it comes to traffic and tahap laziness to work! aha now, customers are not bad.. kira ada tyme to lepak la.. ihi

2) What have you eaten so far?
- well, in the morning, i had mee goreng udang with nescafe panas. then, i ate a few rambutan yg fairly sweet.. ada manggis, tp takut makan comot ;'P ihi~ then jus now i ate nasi lemak with daging dendeng masak merah sedap~ oh, with diet coke. yumm.

3) What are you wearing now?
- wearing? got some clothes on.. :'P aha, black shirt, faded black jeans, 3 bracelets (colorful!) , greyish blue scarf, and off white shoes.

4) When was the last time you saw a cat?
- yday! here at d resto! his name is MD n he is sangat comel mostly bcuz of his eyes! n his me-ow! ihi~ wanna knoe y his eyes comel? cuuuzzz, usually, he'll come over here frm d other side of d road. so ok, b4 crossing, his eyes will be like silau, half-closed. then when crossing tu, in d middle of d road tu, d eyes totally closed! ahah so comel! gila daring kucen tu~ we made a conclusion dat MD purposely wanna hide his eyes cuz we serve air Mata Kucing, n he doesn want his eyes to be served nex! ;')

5) What was the last good news u got?
- oh! ni agak random, bt, Marigold do delivery for Condensed Milk la! hehe one guy approached me tadi, n offered d service. hoh dat wud b so helpful to hev those heavy tins delivered here trus. hm, bt i wonder if d charge will b really high n affect d costing ;'/

6) What do you crave now?
- crave ey? hurm, if crave, i tink ice cream la.. with bananas. readily chopped (pemalas nk potong sendiri pakai sudu!). and if ada brownies on d side wud b a plus. :'D bt if want, cookies. i love em cookies. yday's sugar crash didn bring down my appetite for em. hoho.

7) Have you been outside today?
- it seems like i hev. mm wait, not sure.. er, aaah? yeap, i tink must've been outside since i am at work now. ;')

8) Do you believe in saving trees?
- yes, save trees! plant trees! well, small ones la kan.. shrubs ke.. hehe

9) Bold or Fine tip pens?
- extra fine pls~ laie best tulis..

10) Motorbikes or Scrambler?
- oooh toughie.. er, if motor cam kapcai xmo ah, nk cam ducati. n scrambler is always yes ;')

11) RnB or Orchestra?
- er, leaning twds rnb heh

12) Exercise or doing nothing?
- not only leaning, already am on the doing nothing side. aha. i am gud friends with Garfield :'D

13) 1 or 2
- er, depends.. haha wat is dis q..? if 1st, mmg ah nk 1st :'P

14) Coke or Pepsi
- Coke pls.. eh diet coke pls.. eh, last week i went to cold storage, n i saw diet coke cherry.. eee for 6bucks. i repeat, six frickin bucks. gr.

15) Heels or Flats
- i can do both, bt more twds heels. i love em heels. n i gila shoes ok? :'D

alryto~ looks like im done. bt its stil early.. sigh. hey, i wanna eat salad with feta cheese la. tiba2.
hurm. if anythin interesting come up, il post another ~ toodles


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