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Thursday, March 12

I.O.T.D Cat in Gloves Catches No Mice

defn; stymes u cant get wat u want by being careful and polite.

well today was fairly busy. busy than usual la at the resto.. got 2 reserved tables. one was 12pax, n d other was 6pax. bt the total bil for both tables were almost d same. damn, gila byk makan Table 10. ihi~ n today, there was dis interview they did kat kaki lima resto.. didn knoe who it was, for wat channel or wat program.. hehe too busy to notice. what did happen was, one guy whu came to d counter to pay ask for my number, n i replied "ha? number resto? ada kt receipt." saje je uat bodoh. then he asked, "nk panggil sapa bila call?" cet. pandai lak. i was too bz to tink of a false name, so i told my real name. damnit. my mistake. now he's been calling the resto. ugh! first2 he called, i picked up. "hi, Blabla ni, yang tadi.. bz ke?" (yeah cant b bothered ingat nama dia.) wth.. ugh, so i told him dat im busy. he sed he'd call bak. n so he did. everytyme d phone rings, i let one of d staff (bobby) pik it up on my behalf. hihi yup, Blabla called. ew. then jus now, as i was starting dis blog, he called again. gr. i asked bobby to tell him i went home already. malas nk layan. i hope he doesn call everyday. :'(

n hey, there's this one guy kan.. so kurang ajar. not his manners, not his dressing ke apa.. bt his eyes!! ugh! his eyes, most of d tyme lookin at my crotch. wthell man. n dis isnt d 1st tyme. today is d second day. yday pun dia ada. omg. benci. gila perv ok?? hope he wont come here again :'(

today's song is Push by Matchbox Twenty

i tink its a great song by a great singer with a sexy voice. ;') n i love d lyrics too! like can relate to real-life. not necessarily mine. hihi so here's d lyrics, njoy!

She said I don't know if I've ever been good enough
I'm a little bit rusty, and I think my head is caving in
And I don't know if I've ever been really loved
By a hand that's touched me,
well I feel like something gonna give
And I'm a little bit angry, well
This ain't over, no not here, not while I still need you around
You don't owe me, we might change
Yeah we just might feel good
I wanna push you around, well I will
I wanna push you down, well I will
I wanna take you for granted
She said I don't know why you ever would lie to me
Like I'm a little untrusting when I think that the truth is gonna hurt you
And I don't why you couldn't just stay with me
You couldn't stand to be near me
When my face don't seem to want to shine
Cause it's a little bit dirty well
Don't just stand there, say nice things to me
I've been cheated I've been wronged,
You don't know me, I can't change
I won't do anything at all
But don't bowl me over
Just wait a minute well it kinda fell apart
Things get so crazy
Don't rush this baby
So cats, if wanna get ursev some mice, gloves off i'd say. ;') Gud Luck cats!

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