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Sunday, February 5

Banana Cream Pie Recipe

Hello Lovelies~

Ok, so I have been watching too much Food Network channel, I admit! Lol watching Adam Gertler's banana cream pie over and over again made me wanna eat banana cream pie! Haha

I don't know what's in Bandera's Banana Cream Pie, so I improvised. Here's what I did:

Ingredients for graham pie-base:
Some graham crackers
Melted butter

Put the Crackers in food processor and blend till sandy texture. Add in melted butter as much as needed to form the right consistency. Not too soft, workable into pie dish.
Blind bake the crust and let cool.

Ingredients for custard:
2c Milk
1/3 c Flour
3 Egg yolk
1/4 tsp salt
3/4 c sugar
2 tbsp butter
1 tsp vanilla extract

Heat up milk with (flour, salt, sugar). When simmering, take some of the milk mixture and add into beaten egg yolks to temper it. Then mix all of it into the pot.

Chop up some bananas and lay them inside the baked pie crust.

Rough chop some chocs you have laying around ;') and scatter them around d bananas~

pour the custard made earlier~

slice some extra bananas on top.

lastly, pipe some whipped cream on top. sorry bout my ugly piping. first tyme! ;'D


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