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Sunday, March 1

W.O.T.D Supernova

defn ; The cataclysmic explosion of a massive star. A Supernova may, for a short time, out shine an entire galaxy of a hundred billion ordinary stars. It is thought to leave behind a highly compressed neutron star.

so i started my day 9am with breakie bickies. yum! with a glass of fullmilk. after a lil of chitchat, i went to d resto n was greeted by an array of goodies. ugh! i tried to restrain myself, glancing at the clock; 10.45. i told d staff "i feel like eating, bt at d same tyme, i dunt wanna.. hurm,i tink i'l eat at ard 1oclock". after a few back and forth thru the resto kitchen, the tyme om d wall showed 11.00 sharp. argh, wthell i tot. makan je la~ :'P so i eat la, my plate had nasi putih, sprinkled with fried shallots and bumbu lengkuas, a quarter of ayam percik n a whole lot of gulai pucuk paku.. dlish! drinks; one hot nescafe and one can of soya bean. hey, i jus tot bout this, y not nex tyme i take a pic of what i eat? i bet dat wud b more interesting ey? tihi yes yes, nex tyme. its 250pm, n im freakin exhausted! ugh! lunch crowd was murder. fussy customers, customers whu try to cheat 80cents outta me. most of em cuz one serve of white rice is RM1.60, they always say they took half. yeah rite, if half's d same size as ur head! grr.. bt yeah.. tired. its 3pm now, jus got a txt dat cracked a smile on me tired face. i tink my subway is on its way! :'D yummy yummy yummy im gonna get subway in my tummy~ hihi
hey, i jus rmb'd dat i brot one green jasmine tea? jasmine green tea? not sure wats d exact name. schdapp nya..

a very small picture of the movie-poster

oh! last weeknd i saw this stupidass movie; Street Fighter - The Legend of Chun-Li. what. the. hell. such a let down. n im not even a street fighter fan la, not even chun-li's. bt i stil felt disappointed. ok, 1st things first, the story line didn hold up to the title la. twas hardly a legend, it shudve been the story of chun-li -_-" sigh. then, u knoe dat evry fighter has their own signature moves, n chun-li's supposedly helicopter kick made me lmfao on d cinema floor. kristin kreuk made it SO awkward looking. i bet it wudve faired better if she'd do a breakdance move. bt i tink it not all her fault, the way the camera captured d move was another reason la. n d scripts are so borderline corny and lame. here's one pick outta d lousy 9bucks movie;

Det. Maya Sunee: So... where do we start?
Charlie Nash: You don't want a ticket to this dance, Detective.
Det. Maya Sunee: You've never even seen me dance.

yes, i stil tink its lame. bt all in all, there's one scene la, rose up above d rest. i will surely rmb it til d nex street fighter movie la. HAHA. ok, twas d scene at the slums of thailand, d bad guys were chasing afta chun-li n accidently aimed at one lil kid. bt fear not, chun-li jolted towards d bullet la kan. bt d mother of d child, was furious dat the bad guy (balrog) tried to kill her son la kan. n apparently d mother was a durian seller... she quickly stood up straight(!) n reached for the nearest durian n freakin threw it at balrog's head. *toing* d spiky fruit bounces off balrog's shiny head AHA! twas pricelesssss~ agege MACAM2 la!

woot woot, subway's here~ ttysoon ----------------------------------------------------------

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