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Sunday, February 22

Recent Thoughts

ive seen people caring bout others way too much til they forget to think of themselves. its no problem to care for others, but please make sure ur not winding ursev down along they way. bt hey, dunt get me wrong, i am like dat sometymes, wel, most of d tymes. i knoe it feels gud to care for others, to help them, cater for their needs, its fun to see others be better with your help. however so, please dunt forget that ur life needs to be pink too! :'D
now, envious people trying their very best to pull u down. how or why they exist, i do not knoe. what i do knoe, in each lives, there are bound to be one. here's what i tink, dunt b discouraged, no matter how hard the critiques were. no matter how horrible the consequences of their actions impact ur life. jus hold on. perseverance is not a long race, its many short races one after the other. u knoe what ur capabilities are. u knoe how much to push ursev. u knoe ur limit. u make the decisions in ur life. others jus scribble choices that u cud make on ur book of life. ultimately, u cirlce the right answer. perseverance is a strong will to have. it can overcome almost anything, sometymes even nature. so u do what u do. and i have three words t0 sum life up: It Goes On.

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