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Sunday, March 15

W.O.T.D Capricciosa

defn; comes from the full name of Pizza Capricciosa. a simple pizza with ingredients like tomato base, mushrooms, sliced beef/chicken ham, onions, and mozzarella. DELISH!
having tyme on ur side gives u moments to ponder on anything that crosses ur mind.. wel, i got to ponder on ...

i feel stupid for being too trusting. tah ah after a while when u look bak.. wateva memories, wateva conversations, wateva reminisces, wateva.. then ull surely realize dat uve been duped. hm.. n when u do, oh boy u will feel like an ass. i tink it feels even worse when u really believed dat fact n only to find out dat they're fiction. n d size of d lie dunt matter i tink. or maybe it does? hm.. well i tink wat im getting to is dat, a miniscule lie wud pretty much give a colossal effect, given d matter, matters :') hihi ugh, damn it hurts. y cant we open the History folder in our brains and delete that god-forsaken file cuz im sure as hell cant handle it being in the folders of my mind. or am i jus being sentimental? who can i hold liable for these faults? cuz its been so long since ive been tryin to cut diamonds with a rubber knife. it might be a better painting if we can still take out the edges and replace them with a much more suitable color. i am not even sure wat im goin on about now. bt it jus feels good to let it out.

nways, as i went out of me hse, i saw a big box full of old mags.. then i saw aussie mags.. ala.. me mom nk buang my mags frm aussie :'( dwn. bt i took one. food magazine. hehe rindu la.. when bak in perth, every week i'd buy one food magazine. more like a routine. i love reading d tips and recipes. best. hihi

hurm, today's song in my head is Scar Tissue by RHCP. njoy d weird lyrics bt fun n chill melody!

Scar tissue that I wish you saw
Sarcastic mister know it all
Close your eyes and I'll kiss you
With the birds I'll share
With the birds I'll share
This lonely view
Push me up against the wall
Young Kentucky girl in a push-up bra
Fallin all over myself
To lick your heart and taste your health
With the birds I'll share
This lonely view...
Blood loss in a bathroom stall
Southern girl with a scarlet drawl
Wave good-bye to ma and pa
Soft spoken with a broken jaw
Step outside but not to brawl
Autumn's sweet we call it fall
I'll make it to the moon if I have to crawl

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