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Saturday, February 28

aish~ my cute lil myvi is so overdue for service! kesian dia, kena push its way thru evryday traffic.. tsk tsk.. i terfikir2 bout getting the service done sampai termimpi2 tau! twas a bit weird, i hafta admit. i dreamt dat i went to d service centre n when i inform the receptionist, she sed dat my odometer was so off their record dat they gonna fine me RM70 for each km exceeded! n my kms were 6k more! mati! *poof* when i woke up i was still cuak frm d mimpi! thinkin, "really? wud they charge me for sending my car for service lambat?" took me bout a gud 30secs for not to care n sambung tido balek ;'D hihi

my head is now filled with childish giggles and laughter made by this one very gullible customer. his cheery self was a result of his younger baby brother dialing the mobile phone. hmmph. i hev come to realize that i am not very fond of a childs laughter. i find it rather annoying. most prolli its bcuz.. he is not related to me? ;'? not sure. bt yeah. try n put on a circus music background behind the semi-hysterical laughter. shrugs. yup, not a fan.

the total amout of tips for the month of february was RM2.15 per person. which was a huge decline frm january's pot. er, RM4+ hey, dat is huge tau.. hihi hurm, nways, i'l pencil off now, eh wait, no pencil involved in writing this piece la :'P i'l..keyboard off(?) now hiihi ttysoon!

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