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Saturday, March 7

W.O.T.D Arvo

defn; aussie slang for afternoon. Good Arvo to you dear! :')

haih, been a while since d last entry. been out of mood to type. hihi. so now. sunday arvo, d weather is hot n sticky. hey, speaking of, last wednesday was d best sweltering hot wednesday night ever! wanna knoe y? cuz mraz made it so! (plus, d hundreds of ppl there as well contributed to d heat) i went to his concert here in KL, Stadium Negara. 1st tyme here peeps~ thanx to me bro, he got me d ticket for me bday.. :'D

good seats too! ;'D

d show was so mesmrazing hihi

more mraz~n more~n more~~hey! more mraz!n more!!

i feel so blessed to be able to hear him live. best gila ok?! bt 90mins show is too short ;'( i want more. he shud come here more often sampai all the other ppl muak nk tgk dia, bt i'l always b there in the audience :'D huhu i love mraz n his works!!


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