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Monday, February 23

a rather slow tuesday

so... today i tried drinkin healthy.. hehe healthy like plain water n lime juice without sugar. twas very, not sweet :'P mashem~ ok, why im opting d sugar is cuz i am currently applying for medical insurance bla bla frm prudential.. n its part of the procedures for me to go and do medical check up.. to confirm that i am not dying.. so yeah. i went thru all d trouble and hassle goin to uptown (d closest panel option since im workn at mutiara dsara), ajak Muthu, my cousins' driver + allrounder man, to send me there la.. so i did d whole thing in 2hrs tyme, making me masuk kerja lambat.. so nways, when i got bak d results, it raises a flag for potential diabetics cuz they found traces of somewhat high glucose in me blood sample.. sigh.. mcm2.. i didn puasa la dat day, i was eating like crazy, of cuz la high glucose.. they all x sound awal2 i shud puasa.. now, this morning, i had to wake up super early to get ready to drive to uptown n do 2 blood samples. ive been fasting since 930pm last nite, so this morning, as u cud imagine i was rather cranky, driving in the very very congested traffic frm bangi to uptown without bfast. sigh. it took me 2 freakin hours to reach frm point A to B. then, to avoid further frustration, i dbl parked right in front of d clinic. senang! hihi once i presented d prudential letter to them, the girl there said, "mana form satu lagi?" .. -_-" n i replied, "what?". the girl explained dat i need another form that was suppose to have d codes n stuv for the treatment. n i replied, "whaaaatt? agent kata satu ni je perlu". frustrated. so it took them 15mins jus to get d details right, belum give me a number pun lagi. sigh. d wait was like 50mins la give n take, bt it felt like ages as i was frequently glancing out the glass door looking at me car, takut kena langgar ke apa.. aish.. nasib la keretaku kecil. bukan 4x4 :'D so, in a nutshell, i came to work like 10mins late woohoo.. n i tot i'd b an hour late ;'D

so yeah, bak to y d story started, cuz i might b diabetic la.. aish.. come to tink about it, since ive been workn in a yummy restaurant, ive gained weight, steadily, n my fave munching dessert is pengat pisang.. which is relatively manis la kan heh. bt i dunt i can b on this diet for long la.. susah2.. i hev a rather demanding set of sweet teeth hihi

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