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Tuesday, August 19

the first

Hey its Wednesday morning, and morning as in 12.25am. Well i'm too bored to sleep yet. My bedtyme these days is getting earlier and earlier. Back when i was still studying, *hoh* i must be sick to sleep at 12am. Usual bedtyme would be 3 onwards. Those were the days.

I miss those days. Back here, freedom's limited. For a good reason. I dunt really mind, just that the memory of freedom always linger in my mind. Tihihi. Wait, what's the definition for "dunt really mind" again? Haha.

I started this blog mainly cuz I saw how much fun my sister had updating hers. So, yeah, here i am, trying. I reckon this "blog" thingy is good for me to keep myself updated with the stuff that i plan to do and/or done. It is a good reminder, i guess. Haha. Let us see, how far and often i will update this blog of mine.

So later.

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