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Thursday, August 28

Flushed with Greens

Yay! I've got meself some free plants! Which is gud.. as it fits well in my "budget-garden" theme :'P

Hehe the plants were stolen from a well-known nursery in Bangi..... :'P kidding! haha

Occay, I'm working with this coy name Mujo Sdn Bhd. which makes customised sofas and chairs, upholstery services, and also re-upholstery services! (a bit of ad :') there) So, the boys at the manufacturing place plants all sort of greens and mostly orchids.. which were a beaut!

And so.... here's what i got from them!

I love them!! Arck! :'P

Here's 4 plants that i sangkut on the sliding door grills. If you're thinking, "hey, there's only 3 plants here!" Look again closer. :'P There's a small version of the middle plant under it.. HiHi!! it's planted in a seashell! How creative right?? :'P

Now this is just BEAUTIFUL!

Here's the japanese rose patch.. grass is greener~ all is gud!

Bird's-eye-view of the front lawn collection :'P

The two pudding plants on the sides were bought at a bargain! At the 1st nursery, the slightly bigger version (extra two branches) costs RM18.. So i tot, "Pfffft,., im not gonna waste 18bucks for that beautiful and sturdy-looking plant!" :'P haha and then came a day... another nursery had the same beautiful and sturdy-looking plant (smaller version, only one branch) at a whopping RM5!! agagag.. well thats what the indo-guy who works there told me.. then when i went to pay at another man, who i tink is the boss, as he sits behind a desk with a fan...... and he sed "two puddings huh? thats RM3 ea" ....................................................... yes, i was speechless for a gud 2 seconds! HAHA yay for me! :'D

So that's my update for today!


Monday, August 25

Updated Garden

Well, its a lawn actually.. :'P

So here's what I've done..

All those annoying and filthy lalangs are gone! yay1 twas really frustrating when the lalang s and weeds keep growing back, so i went to the nearest hardware store, and bought a Class III poison specially made for lalangs.. I sprayed evryday for 4 days.. HAHA! Surely enuf, they died, along with 3 of my plant with purple leaves which were planted in the same ground........ downnnn

Gud thing, twas RM2 ea.. so still bearable. :'P I try and keep my garden in a tight budget u see..

Exhibit A

As u can see, in Exhibit A, the pebbles were...kidnapped frm my mom's hse :'P those were the ones that i managed to seludup haha..

Exhibit B

Here, a close-up from Exhibit A.. I bought 2 pots of Japanese Rose (RM2 ea) and cut their stem and chuck em in the soil inside the pebbled frame.. My idea is to cover the whole ground, around the steping stone with the Japanese Rose.. :'P bt since im on a budget...... i'll do a corner at a tyme.. and wait for new stems from the two pots to grow.. hey, i'm in no hurry what.. :'P tihihi

Exhibit C

And in Exhibit C, thats my most expensive bowl of plants.. hihi RM28.. haha hey that is expensive when im using me own pocket money! :'P that was after a hard-to-get discount of RM2, from a ever-so-stingy nursery near my hse.. ;')

And OF COURSE, there was.............................. this lil guy.

My ever-so-helpful nephew, Daniel.. :')

So, I will keep updating my garden! As much as i will keep on missing my sayangku.. :'D
Oh! I also bought eggplant seeds!! :'P I saw em in a DIY store in OU, and i remembered my sayangku, so i bought em.. aish! mish him so much la..

I always cook eggplant for him.. Terung Sambal, just plain ol grill.. and i even tried making the famous Ratatouille! :'D and twas great!

So yeah, i'm planting eggplants as well! We'll see how it goes!


Sunday, August 24

Childhood Cookies

Raining everyday.. making me bored everyday.. So yeah, i made a batch of rather traditional cookies.. it has a funny name :'P based on what it looks like.. tihihi Sarang Semut .. english translation, Ant's Hill.. rite.... :'P When i was younger, me and my bestie loved these cookies, and njoy making them too! Oh, those were the days! So here's what happened;

185g margarine
125g icing sugar
185g plain flour (a)
125g custard powder (a)
1/2 tsp baking powder (a)
1/2 tbsp vanilla essence
sufficient choc rice
small/tiny papercups!

  1. Beat the sugar and margerine together until fluffy. Then, add the (a) ingredients and mix well.

  2. Add the vanilla essence.

  3. To make sure the mixture is ready, the dough wont stick to the bowl.

  4. When ready, grate the dough using a cheese grater. Then scoop them into the tiny cups.

  5. Sprinkle as much ants that you desire! :'P

  6. Bake at 150c for 10mins or so.

Result; Scrumptious!! So light and creamy.. they hev the melt in the mouth feeling to them!

Saturday, August 23


Hey hey! I miss sayangku.. Back in Perth, he likes to do gardening. He plants roses, red, white and yellow. They were beautiful. Unfortunately, I dunt hev any pictures of his garden. He plants lavender bushes on the side of his porch. Beautiful violets. We would always go to Bunnings together and find plants and mulch. In one trip, i chose one plant, im not sure what its called, but i'l try and get a pic of it on the net. So we bought that plant and i asked him to plant it in his garden and take care of it. I called it, our Bunga Cinta. tihihi.

Bunga Cinta

I said, sayang, this pokok symbolizes our love tau! So he planted it in his garden. Two weeks later, the plant died.... rite... Our Bunga Cinta died! in less than a month. Wth.. haha. So yeah, no hard feelings. :'P

So yeah, because I miss him so much. I started gardening. DUM DUM DUM! tihihi. So.... I went to one of my family's property that wasn being taken care too gud.. :'P here, lemme show u some pixies.. Cautious; the weeds might strangle u!

Exhibit AExhibit B

Yes.. Starting gardening with this small lawn was a nightmare. But yeah, me and my maid did a lot cleaning and cutting. Those weeds aka lalang were sharp, i got a few weed-cuts.. :'P sheesh, i tot only papers giv u dat.. so yeah, i'll post the updated, cleaner lawn with flowers later.


Peanut Butterscotch Cake

Aish, sorry for the low quality pic. I made this cake out of boredom. tihihi. The taste was nice, but a little too sweet. So just reduce the sugar amount nex tyme i guess. Recipe is..;

125g butter
2 tbsp brown sugar
2 tbsp white sugar
2 tbsp honey
1 1/2 cups of finely chopped peanuts

1 2/3 cups plain flour
1/2 tsp salt
3 tsp baking powder
125g butter
1/2 cup sugar
2 eggs, beaten
1/4 cup milk
1/2 tsp vanilla extract

- Lightly grease 23cm square tin and line base with non-stick baking paper
- Melt butter, sugars and honey in saucepan. Stir in peanuts pour mixture in tin.

- Preheat oven 190 C
- Sift flour, salt and baking powder. Rub in butter, add sugar and mix. Pour eggs, milk and vanilla extract in center. Mix well.
- Pour cake mixture on top of nut mixture. Bake for 40mins, then reduce heat to 180 C and bake for 20mins more. Turn out immediately onto rack and remove paper.
- Replace any nut topping that comes away, it will set as soon as it cools.

But in my version, I didn want to have a plain cake, so i add a bit of choc rice for a bit of color. :'D

Thursday, August 21

Me First Try in Choc Tart

Tihihi! Here's my first try in making Choc Tart.. omg, the cups, a bit of hassle la in making them. cuz i tink i didn put enuf flour.. so twas a bit hard in shaping them in a "bowl" shape cuz twas so sticky.. haha gud thing the choc topping really covered the imperfections of the cups. hihi.
pardon my bakery language, i am not a frequent baker. :'P

But the taste was... Delish!! hahah Passed! one thing to tick of my list :')

Chocolate Butterscotch Tartlets

Tart Base; Courtesy of anothercupofsugar.blogspot.com

140g flour
1/8tsp salt
55g caster sugar
115g butter - cold
1 egg yolk
1-2tbsp ice cold water

  1. Combine flour, salt, and sugar in a medium bowl.

  2. Cut the butter into small chunks and add to the flour mixture.

  3. Using a dough blade, blend the butter into the flour mixture until it has the consistency of a damp sand with a few pea sized pieces remaining.

  4. Using a fork, beat the egg yolk with the cold water.

  5. Slowly pour the egg mixture over the flour, stirring until mixture become moistened. The dough should stick together and able to hold the form of a ball.

  6. Cover the ball with plastic wrap.

  7. Smooth the ball of dough with a rolling pin to form a flat disc, chill in the fridge for minimum of 1/2 an hour. Pre heat the oven 180c.

  8. After that, take the disc out from the fridge, then cut into small circles, i used a tiny glass. Then fit it into a pastry/pie cups (wateva u call it..) mine was the metal ones.

  9. Blind bake until crust is golden brown @ 180c
Filling; Courtesy of .. me :'D

1/4 cup brown sugar
20g butter
1/2 cup cream
150g dark eating choc
Roasted hazelnuts to sprinkle
Cocoa powder to sprinkle

  1. Combine brown sugar, butter and 1/4 cream in saucepan. Bring to boil, cook 2 mins.

  2. Add chopped dark eating choc and the rest of the cream, stir til choc melts, refrigerate 10mins.

  3. Spoon into 12 baked tartlet bases made earlier. Sprinkle roasted hazelnuts and cocoa powder.

Tuesday, August 19

the first

Hey its Wednesday morning, and morning as in 12.25am. Well i'm too bored to sleep yet. My bedtyme these days is getting earlier and earlier. Back when i was still studying, *hoh* i must be sick to sleep at 12am. Usual bedtyme would be 3 onwards. Those were the days.

I miss those days. Back here, freedom's limited. For a good reason. I dunt really mind, just that the memory of freedom always linger in my mind. Tihihi. Wait, what's the definition for "dunt really mind" again? Haha.

I started this blog mainly cuz I saw how much fun my sister had updating hers. So, yeah, here i am, trying. I reckon this "blog" thingy is good for me to keep myself updated with the stuff that i plan to do and/or done. It is a good reminder, i guess. Haha. Let us see, how far and often i will update this blog of mine.

So later.