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Monday, March 7

So, Hello~

Gosh people! It really has been ages! lol sorry.. had better things to do i guess :'P

hiihii a lot had changed since d last entry..
i got married! *yay!

twas wonderful~ had a great tyme w both families and my hubby. <3
this april, we're gonna celebrate our 1 year anniversary together as hubby n wifey :')

so jus to keep u guys uptodate, I'm currently pursuing my MBA from UWE, UK.. but saving the cost of actually being there, I'm doing it from Malaysia's campus ;') at Taylors Lakeside..

my hubby is doin Culinary Arts at Berjaya Uni of Hospitality.. having great fun daily at class~

both of us love cooking. one of us loves make up.. *guess who? :'P n both of us loves cats! hihi
so i tink.. i might evolve my blog around these three topics ;')

1) Food
2) Make Up / Beauty
3) Cats, Kittens

hihi so til the next post!!
love yall

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