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Saturday, February 28

aish~ my cute lil myvi is so overdue for service! kesian dia, kena push its way thru evryday traffic.. tsk tsk.. i terfikir2 bout getting the service done sampai termimpi2 tau! twas a bit weird, i hafta admit. i dreamt dat i went to d service centre n when i inform the receptionist, she sed dat my odometer was so off their record dat they gonna fine me RM70 for each km exceeded! n my kms were 6k more! mati! *poof* when i woke up i was still cuak frm d mimpi! thinkin, "really? wud they charge me for sending my car for service lambat?" took me bout a gud 30secs for not to care n sambung tido balek ;'D hihi

my head is now filled with childish giggles and laughter made by this one very gullible customer. his cheery self was a result of his younger baby brother dialing the mobile phone. hmmph. i hev come to realize that i am not very fond of a childs laughter. i find it rather annoying. most prolli its bcuz.. he is not related to me? ;'? not sure. bt yeah. try n put on a circus music background behind the semi-hysterical laughter. shrugs. yup, not a fan.

the total amout of tips for the month of february was RM2.15 per person. which was a huge decline frm january's pot. er, RM4+ hey, dat is huge tau.. hihi hurm, nways, i'l pencil off now, eh wait, no pencil involved in writing this piece la :'P i'l..keyboard off(?) now hiihi ttysoon!

Tuesday, February 24

W.O.T.D Parlance - manner of speaking

in life, there will be people who dunt like whu u are, or what u do, or what u wear, or even what u eat (!) lets call em haters. heh dunt mind what oozes outta their godforsaken mouth.. just ignore em til they fade away. come to tink about it, it amazes me of how ungrateful they are, poppin out those critiques when they aren nearly close to being perfect themselves. their actions are seen as comical at tymes, and instead of being gracious with what they have and given, they violate em in ways some of us cudn even hardly imagine. its like they're neither black nor white, so they linger in the grey shade where its mildly safe.

so i say, if u were to move away, do it to make way but dunt move away bcuz ur afraid.

sometymes, when tymes are hard, u pray for patience.. bt they stil make u wanna hide ur face away in cookie jars. (i knoe dat doesn sound rite, bt i so want a cookie rite now)

haters like em rather see our future fade away, so EXCEL! dunt let em bring u dwn to the ground, to where they're slumming.

ultimately, dunt lose sight of what's important with the positive side in life.

nite2 xo

Monday, February 23

a rather slow tuesday

so... today i tried drinkin healthy.. hehe healthy like plain water n lime juice without sugar. twas very, not sweet :'P mashem~ ok, why im opting d sugar is cuz i am currently applying for medical insurance bla bla frm prudential.. n its part of the procedures for me to go and do medical check up.. to confirm that i am not dying.. so yeah. i went thru all d trouble and hassle goin to uptown (d closest panel option since im workn at mutiara dsara), ajak Muthu, my cousins' driver + allrounder man, to send me there la.. so i did d whole thing in 2hrs tyme, making me masuk kerja lambat.. so nways, when i got bak d results, it raises a flag for potential diabetics cuz they found traces of somewhat high glucose in me blood sample.. sigh.. mcm2.. i didn puasa la dat day, i was eating like crazy, of cuz la high glucose.. they all x sound awal2 i shud puasa.. now, this morning, i had to wake up super early to get ready to drive to uptown n do 2 blood samples. ive been fasting since 930pm last nite, so this morning, as u cud imagine i was rather cranky, driving in the very very congested traffic frm bangi to uptown without bfast. sigh. it took me 2 freakin hours to reach frm point A to B. then, to avoid further frustration, i dbl parked right in front of d clinic. senang! hihi once i presented d prudential letter to them, the girl there said, "mana form satu lagi?" .. -_-" n i replied, "what?". the girl explained dat i need another form that was suppose to have d codes n stuv for the treatment. n i replied, "whaaaatt? agent kata satu ni je perlu". frustrated. so it took them 15mins jus to get d details right, belum give me a number pun lagi. sigh. d wait was like 50mins la give n take, bt it felt like ages as i was frequently glancing out the glass door looking at me car, takut kena langgar ke apa.. aish.. nasib la keretaku kecil. bukan 4x4 :'D so, in a nutshell, i came to work like 10mins late woohoo.. n i tot i'd b an hour late ;'D

so yeah, bak to y d story started, cuz i might b diabetic la.. aish.. come to tink about it, since ive been workn in a yummy restaurant, ive gained weight, steadily, n my fave munching dessert is pengat pisang.. which is relatively manis la kan heh. bt i dunt i can b on this diet for long la.. susah2.. i hev a rather demanding set of sweet teeth hihi

Sunday, February 22

Recent Thoughts

ive seen people caring bout others way too much til they forget to think of themselves. its no problem to care for others, but please make sure ur not winding ursev down along they way. bt hey, dunt get me wrong, i am like dat sometymes, wel, most of d tymes. i knoe it feels gud to care for others, to help them, cater for their needs, its fun to see others be better with your help. however so, please dunt forget that ur life needs to be pink too! :'D
now, envious people trying their very best to pull u down. how or why they exist, i do not knoe. what i do knoe, in each lives, there are bound to be one. here's what i tink, dunt b discouraged, no matter how hard the critiques were. no matter how horrible the consequences of their actions impact ur life. jus hold on. perseverance is not a long race, its many short races one after the other. u knoe what ur capabilities are. u knoe how much to push ursev. u knoe ur limit. u make the decisions in ur life. others jus scribble choices that u cud make on ur book of life. ultimately, u cirlce the right answer. perseverance is a strong will to have. it can overcome almost anything, sometymes even nature. so u do what u do. and i have three words t0 sum life up: It Goes On.