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Thursday, January 26

Hawaiian BIrthday Party Prep #1

Hello Lovelies! TGIF! the weekend is near~ wooohoo!

My nephew, Daniel's birthday is nearing. 9th Feb. February is me n hubby's turn to host our family potluck. So, i tot why not double our potluck w his birthday celebration and the potluck. n oh, it's my birthday too! hihi 8th feb! :')

So i was wondering what theme to do the party as. usually its the simple balloons and poppers. but this tyme i tot i wanna do a theme. after searching suggestions on the net, i laid my eyes on a link on Hawaiian Style Birthdays. and i'm hooked!

when i tink of Hawaiian deco, the Lei popped into mind. So i searched around my area for ready-made leis.. i found two types, plastic flower leis, RM5 for one. and
a better looking plastic flower leis for RM7.90. So i calculated the cost for having 23 guests (23x5= RM115) just for plasticky leis. SIGH!

Then i took initiative to search the web on how to make lei
s. thankfully i found this!
it's a step by step how to on making leis from crepe paper! cool

- here's what i used: lime green thread, just for the heck of it, needle, strips of crepe paper and oh, the flowers made from foam sheet isnt in this pic. see below! -

I bought 16 piece of crepe paper and RM0.60 for each and 2 rolls of foam sheet for RM13.80. a total of RM23.40 and in the end, i got around 15 leis~ whee gonna stop by the shop to stock up more to finish off the balance~

Whee~ what do u guys think? i reckon they are a beaut! and not to mention CHEAP! ;') happy trying folks! i'll update on the party prep soon~

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