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Monday, January 23

Almond Tarts Anyone? :')

Hey lovelies~

Ok, I made this particular recipe w my SIL some tyme ago. I reckon i shud share the recipe cuz the tarts were awesome!

Start with Sweet Pastry Dough, So here's what you need:

1000g cookie flour
600g butter (cold)
10g salt
250g icing sugar
200g eggs (M size to be safe ;') )

i knoe it seems like a lot of flour, but you can make a lot of tart shells and freeze them to use in the future! less work then~ ;') - jus
wrap em in foil or freezer bags after they're par baked-

How to:
1) Mix flour, butter and salt in mixer until mixture is all crumbly or sandy.
2) Add icing sugar and knead for about 1 min. Whisk in eggs bit by bit until desired consistency.
3) Keep in the fridge, cover w cling wrap to relax d dough. (at th
e sa
me tyme, gluten growth is retarded! )
4) Then incorporate the dough using the palm of ur hand instead of fingers.
5) Roll into about say, 0.3mm and flip it on to tart moulds and press lightly inside the mould. Then take off the excess on the sides.
6) Let chill in the fridge for about 5-10mins before baking.

Moving on to the Almond Filling, so here's what you need:

100g butter (room temp)
100g sugar
4g salt (about 2 pinches)
2 eggs
100g almond meal/powder
sliced almonds for garnish

How to: (Oven 180 celcius)
1) Place soft butter and sugar into mixer til lighten in color.
2)Add eggs and mix at a slower speed. Mix in salt as well.
3) Add almond meal but careful not to overmix. It's better to manually fold them in.
4) Put the almond filling into the tart. And garnish with slices of alm
5) Bake for approx 30min.


They were delish!! and the cuppies were apple oat crumble. I shall write the recipe for that one in another entry ok?

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