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Tuesday, January 13

fridays post a bit too late :')

Friday - 27th feb

hurm, working in a restaurant, u'l see all sorts of personalities n behaviors. heh today, there were execptionally a lot of people who took their meal without meat. no fish, no chicken, no meat. their plates were filled with nasi, vege, egg or more vege, or potatoes.. aish.. i cant fill me tummy with only those things! ugh, my tummy will surely majuk wimme. :')

rite, now about me smiley :') i didn tink there was such a confusion with d interpretation of me smiley.. d ' under d left eye is not a teardrop ppl~ nor is it a snot. i am no where near there. :'( d ' is actually my dimple ;'D yes. yes. no exaggeration tau.. i knoe its located at a non-usual place.. bt its there. right below my left eye.. tihi~ i tink its great dat i got a smiley that resembles me face :'D well, to an extent la kan?

so nways, as of this moring, ive already ate a pack of the nutritional breakie bickies (mcm tougue twister lak) which was very yummy. then when i arrived at the resto i tried restraining meself thinkin, d bickies were enuf for one whole morning. bt i cant resist d stupidly yummy looking pengat pisang.. n so i took 3pieces. which is not much kan?? :'D then i gulp down one glass of warm water (tryna b healthy). so its 11.05am, now im tempted to try d Tenggiri Gulai Sumatra. aha! wtheck, ima try half a portion la.. half a plate of rice, n half a portion of d fish. oh boy, its so nice, i added a few sprinkles of fried shallots. the crunchy shallots made the mildly sweet n tangy gravy super yummy that i had to tambah another portion! eek!

alryt, its 150pm, most customers already left for friday prayers, so as i was checking out the situation at the bain-Marie, then i saw d tenggiri tinggal one piece.. abissss~ apa laie.. i took one plate, letak one serve of white rice then as i was headed back to the fish, terlalu in front of nasi briyani~ dum dum dum in my defence, it has been a while since i makan nasi briyani ok?? so yeah, i tambah one small senduk of n.briyani :'D then nampak ada ulam, nicely cling-wrapped. so i took one. :'D then i add one cut of fish, n one ayam masak merah um! yumMmmy! huhu no fried shallots this tyme, cuma ada bumbu made frm, er, essentially, lengkuas. drink; diet coke with lotsa ice. the way i like it.

ok, it 3pm, n theres one table, talking distinctively loud. all 3 of em are chinese. bt d thing is, before i glanced at em, judgin frm their voices n lingo, i tot twas 2 chinese n one indian la~ one of d chinese guy got a really indian-like lingo. ala, u knoe like, "sth sth sth la dey.." haa.. like dat la he talked. hihi sounds so funny coming frm a chinese dude. so i concluded that apart frm d other 2 chinese guys that were with him, all of his other friends were indians. kan? yknoe what i mean? if x, how else wud he end up with an 'accent' like that? ive tot about how he cud be chindian.. bt.. yeah, he dunt look like he has an ounce of indian in him at all.